
While we are proud of the quality of the structures we set, we are even more proud of the relationships with manufacturers we have built a strong history with. The list below represents the manufacturers that we set modular structures for:
Ritz-Craft Corporation
Custom Building Systems
Excel Homes
Professional Building Systems
Signature Building Systems
Future Home Technology
Icon Legacy Custom Modular Homes
Durabuilt Custom Homes
Deluxe Building Systems
Simplex Homes

It is very important to J.C. Watson’s Construction, Inc. that you are completely happy with your new structure. Just being “satisfied” is not enough. Our reputation is based on developing a strong working relationship with our customers. We strive to build this relationship by assisting you to the best of our abilities. If you are in the market for a builder, we also have a great working relationship with a vast number of builders. We can make recommendations to assist you in finding a competent, reliable builder to suit your needs.


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